Sándor Földvári, dr. phil., senior research, fellow & lecturer in Baltic Studies Faculty of Humanities in University of Debrecen (Debrecen, Hungary)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37835/AMS-2024-17-18-04-6.00
It is noted that the church union in the Capatian region was held on April 23, 1646, as a continuation of the Union of Brest in 1596, but with significant differences. It is compared that the Uniate religion in the territory of the Kingdom of Poland was materially and intellectually supported, while in the Kingdom of Hungary, Carpathian Rusyns inhabited the most backward region of the Habsburg Empire. In general, the Polish-Lithuanian lands had a well-developed infrastructure to support the Uniate Church, while the Habsburg Empire lacked resources for theological education and printing. This led to a constant supply of liturgical books from the Rzeczpospolita. The correspondence of Bishop Károly Esterházy to the Greek Catholic Archbishop of Lviv in Galicia about the sending of Catholic liturgical books from the Pochayiv Lavra, in particular the most important Supraslava Liturgicon, is studied. It is noted that studies at the Barbareum Seminary in Vienna, Tmava (Slovakia), and elsewhere provided seminarians with knowledge of the Byzantine liturgy, demonstrating the integration of Eastern and Western traditions in the church.
Keywords: union, Polish-Lithuanian lands, uniates, seminarians, liturgical books.
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