Department of History and Teaching Methods

Our contacts:

Kremenets, Lyceum str. 1, room. 35

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Iryna Skakalska - Head of the Department, Doctor of History, Professor


Liudmyla Smakouz - Secretary of the Department




 Стронський Генріх Йосипович

професор, доктор історичних наук



 Собчук Володимир Дмитрович

доцент, кандидат історичних наук




Сеньківська Галина Ярославівна

доцент кафедри, кандидат історичних наук



 Мороз Олена Василівна

старший викладач, кандидат філософських наук



 Галішевський Віталій Анатолійович

кандидат історичних наук, старший викладач



Самойленко Ірина Миколаївна

cтарший викладач








Савчук Віталій Миколайович

вчитель методист, викладач



 Ільчишин Василь Васильович






The educational process at the Department is provided by 9 scientific and pedagogical staff, including 2 Doctors of History and 4 Candidates of Science.

Supporting the long-standing traditions of pedagogical education in the Kremenets region, the department provides training for highly qualified history teachers of general secondary education institutions, capable of implementing the ideas of a modern paradigm of education in the context of its reform. The department fosters respect for the chosen profession of teaching, raises the general level of culture and worldview, and develops and implements progressive innovations in the educational process.



The department provides teaching of the following educational components:

Specialty 014 Secondary Education (History)

The first (bachelor's) level of higher education: introduction to the specialty (with elements of propedeutic practice), archeology, history of Ukraine, history of the ancient world, history of the Middle Ages, modern history, contemporary history, theory and methods of teaching history, methods of organizing research work of schoolchildren, history of education in Volyn, philosophy.

Also author's elective courses: mythology, religious studies, ethics and aesthetics, sociology, logic, ethnology of Ukraine, history of world culture, special historical disciplines, history of historical science, source studies of Ukrainian history, historical local history, excursion studies, tourist local history, religious tourism, museum studies, history methodology, genealogy, historical biography, elite studies, national minorities of Ukraine between the world wars, history of Soviet society, political history of Ukraine in the mid-twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. , problems of social transformations in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Specialty 014 Secondary education (Ukrainian language, literature and history)

Second (master's) level of higher education:

1) topical issues of Ukrainian history;

2) technologies of teaching history in high school;

3) strategic problems of the modern world;

4) historical studies: research and teaching.

          Also, author's elective courses:

1) topical political issues of the modern world;

2) history of civilization;

3) History of Volyn;

4) local history studies: research and training.

5) History of religion and the church in Ukraine;

6) methods of distance learning in history;

7) Ukrainian-Polish relations in the twentieth century.

8) military history.

The department provides state final certification of higher education applicants at the bachelor's and master's levels. The department supervises the archaeological and industrial practice of students, as well as their research work, including coursework and qualification papers.

Among the main areas of the department's work are innovative research on the history of Volyn and the organization of methodological work on topical issues of teaching history. The Department has organized the Center for Local History and Tourism. The purpose of its activity is to attract young people to research the history of the region and promote tourism in the Kremenets district.




Tasks. 1. Popularization of knowledge of the history of Kremenets region and educational traditions of the Academy; 2. Providing methodological assistance to general education schools in studying the problems of local history; 3. Training a group of creative guides and local historians; 4. Familiarization of students and pupils with the methods of collecting local history material, conducting research; 5. Fostering a sense of patriotism.

Academic staff of the Department are active participants in international and national scientific and practical conferences and seminars.

Scientific and publishing activities play a leading role in the work of the department. The Department's faculty have published a number of textbooks and monographs:

Skakalska I. Political and social dimensions and ethno-cultural transformations of the Ukrainian elite of Western Volyn in 1921-1939; monograph.  Ternopil: Aston, 2013, 406 p.; Skakalska I. History of Ukraine in Persons: Volyn page of the interwar period of the twentieth century. Kyiv, KNT, 2017. 94 p.; Skakalska I. Workshop on the history of Ukraine of the modern era (XIX-XXI centuries). Kremenets: VC KOGPI named after Taras Shevchenko, 2020. 156 p.; Skakalska I. Polish educational and cultural space in Kremenets (from the XIX century to the present). Multidimensionality of Ukrainian-Polish cooperation: genesis, particularities and prospects: Scientific monograph [science eds. T. Astramovich-Leik, Ya. Turchyn, O. Horbach]. Riga, Latvia: "Baltija Publishing", 2022. 360 p. P. 316-328; Philosophy and methodology of science. Methodological manual. Seminar classes / Author-compiler Iryna Skakalska. Kremenets. 2022. [Electronic edition].

Sobchuk V. Historical Volyn: Northwest Ukraine in the regional and local dimensions of the past. Kremenets, 2017. 316 с.

Stronski Henryk The Great Famine and the Polesin Ukraine [in] The Holodomor - Poland - Polish Victims 1932-1933, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warsaw 2020. P. 157-209; Stronski H. "Slodki przdsiebiorca". Rzecz o Emeryku Mankowskim (1826-1918) i jego wkladzie w rozwoj cukrownictwa na Podolu, [W.] Praca organiczna na Kurpiowszczynie na tle innych zamieszkalych przez Polakow Pod redakcja Janusza Goloty I Marka Przybylskiego, Ostoleka, 2020. p. 85-90).




The positive image of the department is formed by its social activities. In particular, teachers are systematically invited as consultants and co-organizers for events initiated by the Academy and the Kremenets city community.

In 2019, the Department created a personalized Borys Kozubskyi Auditorium to honor the memory of the famous countryman, lawyer, public and political figure, mayor, member of the Ukrainian Central Rada (room 37). An archaeological exhibition of artifacts from the region was also created (room 36).

In cooperation with the department, the student historical club "X Legion" actively functions. The applicants of the department are the winners of the Hugo Collontai scholarship, which is awarded for the popularization of the Academy - N. Bahniuk (2021), V. Lyaskovska (2022).

The key goal of the department is to comprehensively provide appropriate conditions for higher education students to acquire the relevant competencies they need to overcome the obstacles of the modern competitive environment. The Department takes an active part in career guidance activities in order to admit the most prepared applicants to the full-time program:

1) holding consultations on the history of Ukraine to prepare for the External Independent Testing (on a volunteer basis);

2) conducting methodological seminars on local history for teachers of general education institutions;

3) implementation of the project "Student's Shadow";

4) training for school students on preparing and writing research papers;

5) reviewing student research papers.











Advantages of studying at the educational program:

1) we have experienced research and teaching staff who use interactive learning technologies;

2) the rating system encourages you to work every day, which ensures high quality education;

3) a modern base of practice (Volyn Lyceum named after Nestor the Chronicler);

4) there is an educational archaeological practice (Khrinnytsia Reservoir, Zalozetska community);

5) there is a student historical club "X Legion" and student scientific clubs;

6) our students choose the part of general and professional disciplines they want to study;

7) the long-standing educational traditions of the Academy, many cultural and historical monuments in the city of Kremenets, the compact location of educational buildings, the library and sports complex, dormitories, etc. create a unique atmosphere and convenience for studying.

We invite stakeholders, applicants and all interested parties to discuss the educational program in order to confirm its relevance, compliance of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competencies) with the needs of the modern labor market. You can send your suggestions and comments to our mailbox: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

With the beginning of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the independence of the state in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being defended by the research staff of the department (V. Galishevsky, V. Savchuk and M. Pokhylinsky) and graduates of the OPP (Oleksandr Kobliuk, Yuriy Kozyaryk).







