Oksana Veretko, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Methods of Teaching Fine and Decorative Arts and Design, Educational and Research Institute of Arts, V. Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37835/AMS-2024-17-18-04-5.00
It is noted that the development of innovative technologies in higher education requires the improvement of methods, especially in the study of Ukrainian arts and crafts, in particular artistic textiles. Modern technologies allow the introduction of innovative practices and interactive teaching methods that provide blended learning using online platforms and multimedia resources. It has been shown that practical tasks, research activities and presentations of results are also important. The updated methods contribute to the development of creativity, professional skills and integration of traditional and modern approaches into the educational process. The educational component "Artistic Textiles" in the curriculum of the Educational and Research Institute of Arts of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University is analyzed. The purpose of the course, tasks, and competencies to be acquired by the student are indicated.
Keywords: artistic textiles, teaching methods, fine arts, innovative technologies, innovative practices, educational component.
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