Mass Inspired by Gregorian Chant by Fr. Bruno Schmidt (1895-1961)


Dariusz Sobczak, priest, doctor, associate professor of ethnomusicology and hymnology at the Institute of Art History of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Lublin, Poland)

The article emphasizes the importance of the Gregorian chorale. It is emphasized that from the Middle Ages to the present, musicians have used Gregorian chants as a source of creating musical themes or motifs for new works. An example of such synesthesia is the "Light Polish Mass in Choral Style" by Fr. Bruno Schmidt. The author presents biographical data on the Polish composer as one of the forerunners of the post-Vatican II renewal of the liturgy. The music-theoretical and musicological analyzes of the five parts of the ordinarius are carried out: Kyrie, Gloria, Skład Apostolski, Sanctus and Benedictus, Agnus Dei.

Keywords: Gregorian chant, Mass, composer, melody, Christian music of the West.

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