Reflections on the Development Directions of Contemporary Artistic Pedagogy in the Context of Claude Debussy’s Music


Elżbieta Budnik, Graduate of the piano and piano chamber music classes at the Academy of Music (now the University of Music) named after Frederic Chopin in Warsaw. She completed postgraduate studies in the field of music pedagogy at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz. (Supervisor: Prof. Wiktor Liyak). She teaches at music schools in Skierniewice and Zyrardow.

For her performance of Mykola Lysenko's "Song without Words" she received a honorable mention at the First International Competition of Young Pianists "Classic Podill" in Khmelnitsky (2004). In addition to works by renowned composers, also performs lesser-known works by Polish composers. She performs as a soloist and duo, as well as an accompanist. She has to her credit recordings, including CDs. (Żyrardów, Polish)

Reflections on the directions of contemporary art pedagogy in the context of Claude Debussy's music

The article raises the issue of spirituality in the education of professional instrumental musicians. The life and creative path of the composer Claude Debussy is characterized. It is noted that the composer's piano works are an innovative source of performance repertoire with unique harmony and original poetry. The capacity of the first volume of Preludes, created in 1910, is described.

The wide range of artistic tasks set by Debussy for the performer fosters exploration of personal experiences, leading his audiences into the world of an extraordinary association game.  This text is a presentation of subjective reflection on the subject of contact with art, understood as a spiritual practice, detached from religion, based on direct contact with sound matter. It also emphasises the need to include these aspects in mainstream education of young pianists in the 21st century.

Attention is paid to the deep understanding and detailed analysis of the prelude "The Sunken Cathedral" ("La cathédrale engloutie") by Claude Debussy. It is noteworthy that the work by Claude Debussy belongs to the classics of the piano repertoire and involves the unleashing of the imagination in an individual interpretation.

Keywords: spirituality, Claude Debussy, musician, analysis of the work, piano music, synaesthesia, imagination, pedagogy, performance.



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