Role of the Clergy in Shaping Religious Consciousness of Believers through Sacred Art

Olena Moroz, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer at the Department of History and Teaching Methods of Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy (Kremenets, Ukraine)


The article notes that the modern technogenic world often ignores spiritual development through sacred art, which fills a person with deep meaning through the symbolism of religious signs. It is noted that sacred art as a truly beautiful form of reality helps to develop the spiritual world, because Truth and Beauty are the essence of Man. The deep symbols of sacred architecture, painting, and music are cognized through symbols at the real and virtual levels, stimulating spiritual development and contributing to the understanding of the Divine. An important role in this is played by the clergy, who help believers to achieve spiritual enrichment and self-knowledge through religious practices, art and literature. It is determined that religious consciousness is a set of beliefs, values, ideals and views that arise in a person as a result of interaction with religious traditions, beliefs, practices and culture. It is noted that the role of the clergy in shaping the religious consciousness of believers through the means of sacred art appeals to mediation in worship, interpretation of symbols and images, education through art, and support for faith through art.

Keywords: clergy, sacred art, symbol, religious consciousness, traditions, church.

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