Olha Osadtsia, PhD in Art History, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Music Media Studies and Ukrainian Studies, Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy (Lviv, Ukraine)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37835/AMS-2024-17-18-04-4.00
The study of the spiritual creativity of the composers of the early "Przemyśl school" M. Verbytskyi and I. Lavrivskyi focuses on the identification and clarification of the surviving works that are important for the development of Ukrainian musical culture. Important sources are manuscripts, libraries, archives, and publications. It is noted that among the spiritual compositions of M. Verbytskyi, liturgical songs prevail. It is noted that most of the composer's works have not been published and scholars are confirming the autographs of authorized lists. A similar situation is inherent in the quantitative volume of spiritual works by I. Lavrivskyi. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the need for a detailed textual analysis and systematization of documents.
Keywords: M. Verbytskyi, I. Lavrivskyi, work, spiritual creativity, autograph.
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