Use of Innovative Technologies in Teaching Art Disciplines


Anna Hilyuk, higher education student of Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy. Scientific supervisor: Pogonets Ivana Vasylivna (Kremenets, Ukraine)

It has been established that the modernization of education involves the introduction of innovative technologies that significantly affect the teaching of art disciplines in schools. It has been shown that innovative technologies contribute to the development of students' creative abilities, the formation of artistic and aesthetic thinking and the improvement of learning. It is noted that innovative forms of work and such teaching methods as interactive, game, problem-search, visual demonstration, kinesthetic perception and transmission of aesthetic information, methods of artistic performance, synectics, artistic and creative analogies, educational and critical expression, and introduction to an aesthetic object are used in art and visual arts lessons. It has been shown that the use of computer and multimedia programs, interactive and game methods, as well as methods of artistic performance activates the learning process, increases interest in the subject and promotes the development of critical and associative thinking.

Keywords: innovative technologies, art, general education, teaching methods, computer technology.

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