Oleh Kolubayev, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The article reveals the content of the necessary need for a kind of reboot in approaches to the formation of the moral and spiritual worldview of future teachers of music in general education institutions. Various forms of improving the spiritual worldview and forming the moral competence of music teachers are outlined. It is noted that in the period of moral and spiritual decline due to the social upheavals experienced after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unjust invasion of Russia, the problem of high-quality professional training of future music teachers is of particular importance. Modern transformations of music and pedagogical education are associated with the introduction of innovative concepts and are aimed at integration into the European educational space, which requires actualization of the tasks of developing the moral and spiritual worldview of future music teachers as role models for younger generations.
Keywords: music and pedagogical education, moral and spiritual worldview, teacher, musician.
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- Закон України від 15.03.2022 № 2126-ІX "Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо державних гарантій в умовах воєнного стану, надзвичайної ситуації або надзвичайного стану". Джерело доступу: https://
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- Стрес і психологічна травма. Що з нами відбувається зараз. Нова українська школа. Смартосвіта.Джерело доступу::