Maria Dyakiv, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Teaching Methods of Fine and Decorative Arts Design in Educational and Research Institute of Arts in Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
The study notes that coloristic worldview is an important component in the formation of artistic aesthetics of teachers and students of all levels of education. In the modern educational space, much attention is paid to the development of children's artistic abilities. It is noted that on the basis of the formed associative stereotypical ideas about colors and their shades, the individual tries to understand the color structure of the environment, develops the ability to perceive complex color tones, increases attention to nuanced combinations, and modifies color preferences. It is noted that in the process of forming the coloristic aesthetics of pupils and students, the artist-teacher develops methodological stages of work on a color image, which allows for a deeper knowledge of color, understanding the qualities and properties of local and object colors.
It is noted that the gradual cognition of the laws and principles of color gives the creative personality practical and theoretical experience, because the process of drawing takes place in the aspect of coloristic analysis of the image. The methodological approaches to mastering coloristic aesthetics in the artistic education of age groups of students are determined.
Key words: aesthetics, teaching methods, artistic abilities, coloristics, artist-pedagogue.
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