Development of Spirituality of Students through the Organization of Musical Salons and Subscriptions


Olena Aliksiichuk, Candidate of Pedagogic Science, associate Professor at the Departament of Music in
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University (Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine).  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ORCID ID: https://|/0000-0003-2494-8173
 Researcher ID Web of Science -


The article is devoted to the study and clarification of the problem of spiritual development of students of general secondary education institutions through the organization of music receptions and subscriptions. Summarizing the results of scientific and methodological research on the outlined issues, the concepts of: "spirituality", "moral qualities". The essence of the definition of "spiritual and moral development" as an individual's activity to comprehend the highest human values, historical experience and their manifestation in modern socio-economic conditions is clarified. The main functions of the organization of music living rooms and subscriptions are highlighted.

The essence and potential of the method of "synthesis of artistic text with different types of art" and the method of "virtual meeting" with the main character in the process of holding music receptions and subscriptions for a better understanding of their musical and spiritual imagery are highlighted. It is determined that musical receptions and subscriptions activate and develop the intellectual, cognitive, creative, communicative sphere of students, promote awareness of the phenomenon of synthesis of arts, contribute to the optimization of the process of self-knowledge and self-development of the individual and the implementation of the system of formation of students' spiritual needs.

Keywords: spirituality, students, spiritual and moral development, music living rooms, subscriptions, educational process.

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