Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for the Formation of the Spiritual Culture of Future Music Teachers


Lesia Muzyka, Lecturer at the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

The article deals with the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of spiritual culture of future music teachers. Based on the analysis of the scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scholars, the essence of the concept of "culture", its structure, mechanisms of reproduction and distribution is defined. The spiritual culture of future music teachers is considered as an integrated professionally significant quality that characterizes the degree to which a person comprehends the general cultural and artistic values of the national and world heritage.

The author emphasizes the importance of fostering spiritual culture in future teachers to form their professional competence and influence the future of society. The paper examines the psychological and pedagogical aspects of spirituality, as well as the influence of art on personality formation. It is noted that the level of musical skills of future music teachers is the beginning of the cultivation of aesthetic thinking and encourages the development of a scientific and methodological system to ensure the process of its formation in higher education institutions.

Keywords: culture, spirituality, personality, education, aesthetic thinking.

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