Halyna Shvydkiv is a concert singer (soprano), honored cultural worker of Ukraine, associate professor of the department of singing and choral practice and voice production of the Institute of Arts of the Rivne State Humanitarian University.
Halyna Shvydkiv possesses a lyric-coloratura soprano with a silver timbre of a full range. With her participation, concerts are held in Rivne and on the territory of the Rivne region, as well as in many cities of Ukraine. The tour took place in Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Russia, Slovakia, Germany, Greece, and Bulgaria. She is also a participant of all-Ukrainian and international scientific conferences, the author of more than 50 scientific articles and training manuals
Halyna Shvydkiv has 6 copyright certificates for works Head of the Association of Academic Singing, deputy head of the Rivne regional branch of the National All-Ukrainian Music Union, holds the title of Emissary of Cultures of Ukraine and China.
Halyna Shvydkiv has been repeatedly awarded with honorary diplomas and awards from the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Rivne Regional State Administration, an honorary award from the National All-Ukrainian Music Union, and is a laureate of the regional art award named after Herman Zhukovsky.
The Role of Aesthetic Qualities of Ukrainian Folk Song in the Formation of a Singer's Spiritual Personality
The article reveals the role of aesthetic qualities of Ukrainian folk songs in the formation of a singer's spiritual personality. The folk song, as the basis of the vocal school in Ukraine, contributes to the development of the spiritual sphere of the personality, forms patriotic and humanistic values. It is noted that working on a folk song in a voice training class contributes to the formation of not only the basic elements of vocal technique, but also aesthetic taste and high spiritual principles of the individual. The author relies on the research of the coryphaei of Ukrainian culture in the field of folk art, such as I. Franko, K. Stetsenko, M. Lysenko and others, who considered it extremely necessary to use Ukrainian folk songs in understanding and perceiving art and in the formation of a highly spiritual personality of a Ukrainian.
Keywords: singer, folk song, aesthetics, spiritual personality.
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