Influence of Choral Activities on the Psychological and Spiritual Development of the Student’s Personality


The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of choral activity on the psychological and spiritual individual development of a student's personality. The author notes that participation in the choir promotes emotional expression, development of social skills, self-esteem and mental health of children. Choir activities help children express their feelings through musical imagery, which contributes to a better understanding and management of their own emotions. It also develops cooperation, mutual assistance and understanding among choir members.

The article explores different methods and approaches to organizing choral lessons with students of different ages and levels of musical training; it considers various methods of musical training in choral practice, such as learning notes, developing vocal skills, arranging and interpreting musical works. It highlights the importance of incorporating choral singing into the curriculum as a means of developing different aspects of students' personalities and supporting their success at school. Useful tips for organizing effective and stimulating choral lessons for students are given.

Keywords: choral practice, rehearsal, choral singing, student, vocal and choral skills.

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