Formation of Spiritual and Moral Values of Adolescents in the Musical Space of the School


Yaroslava Bardashevska, PhD in Art History, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Music Education and Conducting, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

The article notes that modern society is facing the problem of moral degradation and destruction of the individual, which requires strengthening of spiritual education. The problems of spiritual and moral education of the younger generation in the school environment are highlighted. It is noted that music is one of the key components that contribute to the formation of self-awareness and the development of students' spiritual and moral outlook in general education institutions. The involvement of musical art in spiritual development contributes to the formation of such values as love, beauty, kindness, honesty, goals and life values.

It is emphasized that the school, as a reflection of the social environment, is directly the space that most positively affects the child's spiritual world and makes it necessary for the music teacher to systematically and purposefully engage in the spiritual and moral development of students of all ages, including adolescents.

It is determined that the assimilation of national musical culture and the formation of spiritual and moral values on this basis is possible only directly in the process of musical activity. It is noted that music, like other forms of art, is designed for empathy and the active functioning of the mechanism of musical empathy, which helps to identify with other people, realize their emotional states, understand the lives of others, their fates, and ultimately lead to empathy. It is emphasized that education through music contributes to the harmonious development of the individual and his or her integration into society.

Keywords: spiritual and moral values, adolescent, general education institutions, musical empathy.

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