Meditative Works in Contemporary Ukrainian Music: Approaches, Context, and Implementation


Y. Ke, PhD student at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Scientific adviser: Serhaniuk Liubov Ivanivna (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)

The study notes that Ukrainian composers not only sought to realize the aesthetic and stylistic possibilities of updating their own artistic experience, but also opened unusual perspectives in comprehending the ancient, modern traditions and trends of the geographically distant world. In this context, a significant niche is occupied by the embodiment of the Eastern type of meditation, unusual for Western academic music of past eras and at the same time correlating with the contemplative aspects of Christianity. The article is devoted to highlighting the scientific and creative context that significantly influenced the emergence of meditative works in Ukrainian music, as well as identifying their genre predecessors in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

It has been found that in the works of many Ukrainian artists there is a desire to comprehend the numerous challenges of cultural and artistic interaction between different cultures, to embody foreign cultural concepts that are the result of personal impressions and enrichment of their artistic experience. Such opuses reflect either a response to the discovery of another master, or a personal comprehension of a particular aspect of existence from the standpoint of a "different" worldview, or a desire to strengthen and enrich a trend that unfolds in a dialogue with discoveries relevant to a certain time.

Keywords: Ukrainian music, meditative works, cultural and artistic interaction, genre.

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