Olha Zasadna, Candidate of Arts, associate professor at the Department of choral conducting National Music Academy of Ukraine named after P. Chaikovskyi Honored artist of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine)
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The author of the article analyzes the cultural and historical background in Ukraine in the first third of the 20th century, which contributed to the emergence of new Ukrainian church music creativity, in particular, the creation of new genres of spiritual music such as "sermony worship". In connection with the reformation activities of the newly created Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (UAOC), the democratization of the church rite, special importance was given to the church sermon, which, according to the ideologues of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church V. Lypkivskyi and V. Chekhivskyi, should inspire citizens to fight against the Bolshevizm ideology, which spread more and more widely on Ukrainian lands.
The sermony worship «The Worship "Liberation"» is full of vivid images symbolizing the liberation of the Ukrainian people, who suffered enormous persecution, suffering and losses from the Russian Empire. In the text of the message, V. Chekhivskyi compares it to the people of Israel, who finally get out Egyptian captivity, and the central image of this choral spiritual cycle is the figure of the Forerunner, John the Baptist, who heralds the long-awaited coming of the Messiah.
Thanks to archival materials, the reasons for the ambiguous attitude among the clergy and ordinary laymen to this unique artistic phenomenon - the «The Worship "Liberation"» were revealed. After all, the title «The Worship "Liberation"» hides the ritual, liturgical essence of the genre, but the program of the poster, where the performance of this work was noted during the Second All-Ukrainian Orthodox Church Council in 1927 used the term "spiritual entertainment". In the opinion of the author of the article, it is precisely here, in these two opposite definitions of "preaching songs", that the contradiction of the perception and justification of the genre lies.
Keywords: the work of P. Goncharov, the figure of V. Chekhivskyi, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, church liberation movement, sermony worship.
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