Spiritual Treasures of Ukrainian Identity in the Vatican


Bogdan Tymkiv – Professor, Ph.D in philosophy, Honored Artist of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and member of the National Union of Folk Art of Ukraine, Head of the Department of methodology in teaching fine and decorative art at Educational Iinstitute of Arts.

The report highlights the importance of sacred art works  as part of the temple culture of Ukrainian people. The space of the temple, its filling with light and color is logically perceived both as a decoration and as important attributes of Christian symbolism. Despite the spiritual and material oppression of Ukraine by the Moscow imperial and church opinion, which leads to the prohibition of Ukrainian identity and the prohibition of statements about the historical and cultural connection of Ukraine with Europe, the sacred art of our people develops and spreads throughout the world.

The work of famous Ukrainian artists of the past and present, related to Italy and the Vatican is of particular interest. The importance of the figure of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, who contributed to the expansion of the concept of the national idea, the development of the national church, museology, the preservation and protection of cultural monuments, and the development of education and science, is emphasized.

The extraordinary personality of Cardinal Joseph the Blind is also worth mentioning, on whose initiative the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Cathedral of St. Sophia was built in Rome in 1967-1969. Undoubtedly, the perfection of the temple is given by the highly artistic decoration of the internal spatial interior by the world-famous Ukrainian artists S. Hordynskyi and Yu. Mokrytskyi.

Artist Mykhailo Moroz (1904-1992) also leaves a creative mark on the Vatican and Italy. His works adorn the Cardinal Chamber of the Vatican.

Mykola Bidniak (1930 – 2000) is an artist of tragic fate. Having lost the brushes of both hands, he paints while holding the brush in his mouth. He creates a whole series of high-art icons full of deep drama and humanistic direction.

M. Bidniak receives the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Paul VI for the "Shroud" icon for the Pontifical College in the Vatican.

In addition to painting, the work of Ukrainian artists in the Vatican is also represented by highly artistic sculptures. Some works of Leonid Molodozhanin (1915-2009) are kept in the Vatican Museum. The artist carves the busts of three pontiffs  - Pope John XXIII, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II. The artist works on the sculptural portrait of Ivan Paul II in the Vatican and has the opportunity to communicate directly with the pontiff.

A significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian sacred art in Ukraine and abroad is the work of the Demyanchuk family from Lviv: father Lev Ivanovich (1941-2014) and son Andriy (born 1967).

Icons occupy a special place in the works of Lev and Andrii Demyanchuk. In creating icons on a wooden board, artists adhere to ancient Ukrainian traditions, which include an ornamental carved (engraved) background, relief and openwork frame decor.

The wonderful icon of the Holy Family by artists is presented to Pope Benedict XVI by the Ukrainian studio of the Vatican Radio in Rome in 2006.

 We can state that the Vatican and Italy have a significant number of artistic masterpieces created by different generations of Ukrainian artists. The creative achievements of a number of representatives of both the diaspora and Ukraine worthily represent our country in the world, introduce a powerful layer of its artistic culture and art.

Key words: sacred art works, painting artist, artistic sculptures, іcons, frame decor, Cardinal Joseph the Blind.

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