The Cycle Commission of Musical Disciplines



The Cycle Commission of Musical Disciplines of the Vocational College of Kremenets Taras Shevchenko Regional Academy of Humanities and Pedagogy is working on the formation of professional qualities in a future music teacher, where the priority task of education and of the teaching staff is the self-improvement of the individual and the development of the spiritual culture of a professionally educated, intellectually rich, and fully developed student.

The educational process of the cycle commission is carried out by 19 teachers, 1 pluralist and 4 accompanists. They are highly qualified specialists with extensive work experience, high pedagogical skills, and boundless dedication to the training of future teachers. Among them: Doctor of Philosophy P. Yalovskyi, Candidate of Art Studies S. Huralna, teacher-methodologists N. Halishevska, O. Liuliuk, V. Matskova, N. Naichuk, O. Novyk, S. Fediura, I. Kharambura, L. Kharambura, L. Yalovska, specialists of the highest category O. Dediu, H. Levytska, N. Tkach, first category specialists V. Ivaniuk, V. Yaskevych, second category specialist S. Shehera, specialists O. Datsiuk, I. Yalovska, first category accompanists: Lb. Holovinska, Ld. Holovinska, L. Datsiuk, second category accompanist A. Dubchak. Teachers of the cycle commission are authors and compilers of tutorials, methodology manuals, anthology manuals, methodological recommendations. They actively participate in scientific conferences, seminars, and artistic events of the educational institution and beyond.

The Cycle Commission organised amateur art circles, including a folk art vocal ensemble “Kalyna” (director Olena Novyk), bandurist chapel (director Iryna Kharambura), orchestra of folk instruments (director Nadiia Naichuk), vocal male ensemble (director Serhii Shehera), male quartet (director Volodymyr Ivaniuk), dance ensemble (Nataliia Tkach), solo singing circle (Nelli Halishevska).

Teachers and students are faced with the task of making the most of the opportunity for pedagogical practice to improve the training of future teachers. During their studies, students develop a taste for creative pedagogy and concert activity. When preparing applicants for independent work, the needs of forming a national consciousness that includes love for the native land, devotion to the motherland, knowledge of folk spirituality, the culture of our people, its traditions, and its customs are taken into account. The Cycle Commission considers it a priority not only to study what has been inherited but also to search for new life-giving sources, create and multiply national wealth, and foster interest in the spiritual treasury.
